ЕГЭ Тест 1-12.

Give a talk on shopping.

Remember to say:
- if it is fun for you to go shopping, why/why not
- if you prefer shopping on your own or with someone else, why
- if you prefer shopping in small shops or big supermarkets and department stores, why
- if you plan what things to buy before going shopping or just buy the things you see and like while shopping, why

You will have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished.
Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника раздела "Говорение" вариант 1
Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника задание C3

Warm up
l. Do you like going to school?
2. What are your favourite classes/subjects?
3. What do you like doing in your free time?

Task l (3-3.5 minutes)
Let the student talk for 2-2.5 minutes.
Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving the talk.
l. Is it fun for you to go shopping? Why/why not?
2. Do you prefer shopping on your own or with someone else? Why?
3. Do you prefer shopping in small shops or big supermarkets and department stores? Why?
4. Do you plan what things to buy before going shopping or just buy the things you see and
like while shopping? Why?

All of these ideas must be covered.
Finally, you must ask each student the following question:
Do you decide on buying things because they have been very widely advertised or for
other reasons? Explain why.

The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:
- speak at length elaborating on the topic
- produce coherent utterances
- give reasons



Ответы и комментарии на тест.
Задание C3. Образец ответа с комментариями.

(1) Shopping is fun (1.1). I enjoy going to different shops, looking at different things, trying on skirts, blouses, dresses, shirts before I decide what would like to buy (1.1.1). Quite often shop assistants very polite and helpful (1.1.2). I like the nice music they play in shops (1.1.3). I know that some say shopping is boring because there are a lot of people and you have to stand in queues. I don't think so (1.2).
There are very many shops of different kinds so that it is possible to find the ones you like (1.2.1). Besides, there are a lot of cosy cafes in most big shops or nearby where you can relax if you get tired (1.2.2). I can't say that I like shopping for food (1.3) but I do it when I am asked to (1.3.1).

(2) I like shopping with my friends (2.1). We can chat, discuss all kinds of things, share our secrets while going from shop to shop (2.1.1). When I try some piece of clothing on I ask my friend to tell me if it looks nice, if it fits or not. I almost always take the advice my friends give me (2.1.2). I also enjoy shopping with my Mum (2.2). She has a lot of style and I can learn a lot from her (2.2.1).

(3) I like buying things in small shops (3.1). Usually there aren't many people in them and you can take your time choosing things (3.1.1). Shop assistants are friendly and you can ask them for advice (3.1.2).
I don't like the impersonal service in big department stores (3.2) where you have to wait before you can get into the fitting room. Then if the thing does not fit, you have to walk around the shop again to pick up another thing you would like to try on (3.2.1).
However, there is a much wider range of goods (3.3), so you have a better chance of finding something you really need (3.3.1). As for discounts, they are offered both in big and small shops (3.4).

(4) When I go shopping for food I usually make a shopping list (4.1) because it saves time and you will buy everything you have planned (4.1.1). Besides, you
won't be tempted to spend too much buying what you actually don't need (4.1.2). However, when I shop for clothes, it's normally just one or two things I need to buy (4.2) and I try my best to go for them and not to pay attention to all the other very beautiful stylish things telling myself that I will buy them next time (4.2.1).

Образец ответа на дополнительный вопрос:
Do you decide on buying things because they have been very widely advertised or for some other reasons?

(5) Well, I sometimes buy a thing, even if I don't actually need it (5.1). You know, advertising is so powerful. It makes you remember and look at the thing that has been advertised more carefully (5.1.1). This is the way advertising works. However, more often I decide to buy something if I like it a lot (5.2), if I see that it is good quality (5.2.1).

Все пункты предложенного плана рассмотрены:
(1) if it is fun for you to go shopping, why/why not
(2) if you prefer shopping on your own or with someone else, why
(3) if you prefer shopping in small shops or big supermarkets and department stores, why
(4) if you plan what things to buy before going shopping or just buy the things you see and like while shopping, why

Каждый пункт полностью раскрыт. так как содержит не простое перечисление фактов или идей (1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 4.1: 4.2), a развитие мысли в виде приводимых доводов и пояснений (1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.1.3; 1.2.1; 1.2.2; 1.3.1; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; 2.2.1; 3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.2.1; 3.3.1; 4.1.1; 4.1.2; 4.2.1)

B целом высказывание связное и логичное, состоящее из целых предложений, а не из обрывочных фраз. Аргументы логически связаны с развиваемой мыслью.

Ответ на дополнительный вопрос (5) содержит не только выражение точки зрения отвечающего (5.1; 5.2), но и ее обоснование (5.1.1; 5.2.1).

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