ЕГЭ Тест 1-13.

You and your friend are discussing possibilities of arranging a farewell party for some exchange students who are going back home soon.

Choose one of the following options that both of you like most:
- karaoke bar
- pleasure boat trip
- school canteen
- countryside

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the pan of your friend.
Remember to:
- discuss all the options and give good reasons
- be polite

take an active part in the conversation:
- explain the situation
- come up with your ideas
- find out your friend's attitudes and take them into account
- invite your friend to come up with suggestions
come to an agreement


Ответы и комментарии на тест.

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника задания С4

Task 2 (3-4 minutes)
You and the student are discussing possibilities of arranging a farewell party for the exchange students.
This is what you think about each option:

Karaoke bar
- I don't think it's a good idea to have a farewell party in a crowd of strangers.
- Besides, it might be stuffy and smoky there.
- I'm not sure if many of our friends would feel comfortable singing in public.
- It's exciting to be able to sing together.
- We could also have a snack there.
- It's great fun. Many of our friends enjoy singing into the microphone to music.
- Our English friends might like to learn some Russian songs.

Pleasure boat trip
- I don't think they serve meals on the boat. We might feel hungry.
- If it gets windy and the waves start rolling the boat, some people may get seasick.
- I think it would be rather expensive.
- Our English friends would definitely enjoy the gorgeous views of the river banks.
- I don't think it would be very expensive. If we invite a lot of guests, we could split the bill and everyone wouldn't have to pay much.
- I guess we could hire a boat where they serve meals or we could bring the food with us; it would be much cheaper.

School canteen
- I'm afraid we would have to put in canteen a great deal of effort to do the cleaning and cooking.
- А place we go to every day is not inspiring enough. I don't think it would contribute to creating any special atmosphere.
- I like this idea. We could decorate the with balloons and farewell posters.
- It sounds great. I could try and make an original English pudding.
- We could have a very good time chatting, dancing and taking pictures in a friendly atmosphere.

- What is bad about this idea is that the success of the party depends a lot on the weather.
- We would have to carry heavy picnic baskets. I don't think our friends would like that.
- It would be a problem getting there. None of our friends is allowed to drive a car.
- It might be so nice and peaceful there.
- I guess we wouldn't disturb anyone shouting and playing loud music.
- Cooking meals over the fire is great fun.
- Besides, we could play games there. I think it would be fantastic.

Note: Make sure all the options have been discussed.

When discussing each option first use the information that is contrary to what the student says.
Do not speak first all the time but ask the student what she/he thinks about the options.
Invite the student to come up with her/his suggestions, especially if she/he readily agrees with the things you say'
If the student says all the time: "What do you think?" without expressing her/his own opinion, say: "Sorry, I don't know" or "I'm not sure. How do you feel about it?"


The student is expected to demonstrate her/his ability to:
initiate and maintain conversation:
- explain the situation
- come up with suggestions
- give good reasons
- find out her/his partner's attitudes
-invite the partner to come up with suggestions
- agree or disagree with her/his partner's opinion
reach an agreement by taking into account the partner's attitudes

Задание С4. Образец ответа с комментариями

Student: Well, I think you remember that we have been asked to discuss different ways of arranging a farewell party for the exchange students and choose one of them which we both think would be the best. (4.1)

Interlocutor: Oh, yes. What are the options, by the way?

Student: They are: a karaoke bar, a pleasure boat trip, a school canteen and countryside. Which one do you like most of all? (6.l, 6.2) (3.5.1) I've seen so many people amused doing karaoke. Besides, I think our foreign friends might like to learn some Russian songs. (2)

Interlocutor: Well, 1 still doubt it would be nice to have a farewell party in a crowd of strangers.

Student: You might be right. (5.1) And what about a pleasure boat trip? (4.2) Our foreign friends would definitely enjoy the gorgeous views on the river banks. (2) What do you think about it? (6.1)

Interlocutor: That is true but I'm afraid they don't serve meals on board and the trip might be quite long.

Student: That is a good point. (5.1) However, I think we could book a trip where meals are included. (2)

Interlocutor: OK. But what if it gets windy and the waves start rocking the boat. Some people may get seasick.

Student: Well, that might be a problem. (5.1) Apart from that, it would be rather expensive. (2)

Interlocutor: Well, I don't think so. We could invite a lot of our friends, split the bill and each person wouldn't have to pay much.

Student: So, shall we go for this option? (6.1, 4.3)

Interlocutor: Well, we might but what about the other two options?

Student: OK. Let's look at them as well. (4.2) Which one appeals to you more? (6.1, 6.2)

Interlocutor: I like the idea of arranging the party in the school canteen.

Student: The school canteen? Why? (5.2) I don't think a place we go to every day could contribute to creating any special atmosphere. Besides, we would have to do the cleaning and cooking. (2)

Interlocutor: Well, as far as I'm concerned I like cooking. I could try and make a traditional English pudding.

Student: Oh, that would be great! But still I can't say I fancy the idea. (5.1)

Interlocutor: Well, it's a pity! We could decorate the place the way we like, for example, with balloons and farewell posters. We could have a good time chatting, dancing and taking pictures in a very friendly atmosphere.

Student: 1 see this is definitely your first choice. (5.3) But why don't we try the countryside? (4.2) I think it would be a nice idea. Cooking meals over the fire is great fun. And then we wouldn't disturb anyone shouting and playing loud music. (2)

Interlocutor: You might be right. It's so peaceful there. However, we would have to carry heavy picnic baskets. I don't think our friends would like that.

Student: I don't think it would be a big problem. We could rent a car or ask our parents to drive us to the place. (2)

Interlocutor: To be honest, I have no idea.

Student: Well, what would you say to a karaoke bar? (4.2) My feeling is that it would be fun to go there. We could enjoy singing into the microphone and listening to other people doing so. (2)

Interlocutor: It might be not bad but I'm not sure many of our friends would feel comfortable singing in public.

Student: I'm afraid, I can't agree with you.

Interlocutor: Well, but if it's а place where a car can take us it might be too crowded and in that case it could lose part of its charm.

Student: Oh, that's true. (5.1) On the other hand, our foreign friends would have a chance to enjoy beautiful Russian landscapes. (2)

Interlocutor: Yes, you are right.

Student: What shall we choose then? (4.3)

Interlocutor: That's a difficult question. I really don't know.

Student: As far as I remember we both agreed that a pleasure boat trip could be an enjoyable thing to do. Why don't we try and find a good agency to book the trip? (l)

Interlocutor: OK. Settled.

Student: l think we've done a good job. Hope everyone will say thank you to us.

Interlocutor: Hope so. Bye.

Student: See you. (3)

(l) Принято решение, которое логично вытекает из хода беседы.
(2) Обсуждены все варианты и приведены аргументы в поддержку предлагаемых вариантов, а также доводы в случае несогласия с мнением собеседника или развитие мысли собеседника в случае согласия с ней, при этом высказывания связные и логичные.
(3) Соблюдены нормы вежливости, принятые в изучаемом языке.

(4) Экзаменуемый продемонстрировал активное участие в беседе:
- (4.1) объяснил ситуацию;
- (4.2) предлагал варианты к обсуждению;
- (4.3) предложил решение.

(5) Экзаменуемый продемонстрировал умение
адекватно реагировать на реплики собеседника:
- (5.1) выражал согласие/несогласие;
- (5.2) выражал удивление;
- (5.3) выражал уверенность/неуверенность.

(6) Экзаменуемый продемонстрировал умение соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами:
- (6.1) спрашивал мнение собеседника;
- (6.2) приглашал собеседника предложить тот
или иной вариант.

(7) Используется разнообразная лексика, слова выбираются правильно, в соответствии со стилем речи, нет ошибок на сочетаемость слов.
(8) Используются разнообразные грамматические структуры; соблюдается правильный порядок слов; правильно употребляются видовременные формы глаголов.
(9) Соблюдается правильная интонация; все звуки произносятся правильно.

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