ЕГЭ Тест 1-3.

Вы услышите рассказ мужчины о его первых годах пребывания в Англии. Выполните задания A8-A14 вставив цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды.

A8 The Polish lady knew a lot about the property market because she
1) was going to move house soon.
2) worked as an estate agent.
3) got information from her future husband.

A9 Bill and his wife were happy to
1) be able to make use of Mr Black's contacts.
2) have their landlady's support and advice.
3) have a variety of houses to choose from.

A10 The house the couple was going to buy
1) proved to be profitable for them.
2) needed little repair work.
3) belonged to a local building society.

A11 The couple couldn't move into the house right away because
1) it was hard to get money to move house.
2) Bill was too busy working for the BBC day and night.
3) the house was not suitable for living in yet.

A12 When the couple had finally moved into the house, they
1) couldn't get over the nervous stress.
2) had to carry on improving it.
3) invited their friends to come round.

A13 Bill cycled to work because
1) the bus fare was unreasonably high.
2) the buses were unreliable.
3) cycling was environmentally friendly.

A14 Bill doesn't feel like an Englishman because
1) he prefers to lead the lifestyle he is used to.
2) his heavy accent makes it difficult to understand him.
3) he has strained relationships with his English neighbours.


Ответы и комментарии на тест.
Фрагмент аудиотекста 1.
Interviewer: Bill, tell me a bit about your first impressions of the UK.
Bill: I arrived in London with my wife in the late 198os and obviously our first problem was to find a place to stay. For a while we stayed with a Polish landlady who worked for the British Museum. She was about to be married to Mr Black, a gentleman of very useful contacts in varied spheres of life. She was looking for a bigger property for herself and her future husband. She kept careful records of what she had seen and what the potential of property was. She knew so much about it that one could think that she was working for some company which dealt with buying and selling houses.
Правильный ответ - 1 "was going to move house soon". Слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, подтверждают, что данный вариант ответа верный. Вариант ответа 2 неверный, так как в тексте говорится, что она работает в Британском музее. Предложение "She knew so much about it that one could think that she was working for some company which dealt with buying and selling houses" делает вариант ответа 2 очень привлекательным для выбора, но слова "one could think" говорят, что это не факт, что она работает в компании по продаже недвижимости. Вариант ответа 3 тоже неверный, так как, хотя в тексте упоминается о будущем супруге как о человеке со связями во многих сферах жизни, ничего не говорится о том, что она получала информацию о домах у него.

Фрагмент аудиотекста 2.
She found a couple of houses, which she and Mr Black thought had great potential and which were within our price range. They were also in a nice area and the right size for us. At her suggestion we looked at these properties to get the feel of the market. I think it would have taken us a long time to find something suitable that we could afford. You know I think we really landed on our feet when we stayed with her.
Выделенные жирным шрифтом слова доказывают, что правильный ответ - 2 "have their
landlady's support and advice". Вариант ответа 1 неверный, так как в тексте ничего не говорится о том, что Билл и его супруга воспользовались контактами мистера Блэка. Вариант ответа 3 тоже неверный, так как в тексте говорится о паре домов, которые посмотрели Билл и его супруга, что не соответствует словам 'variety of houses".

Фрагмент аудиотекста 3.
Interviewer: So you found a more permanent place to stay after that?
Bill: Well, we set off to see one of the houses our landlady had suggested. It was near York. What a wonderful address! The house was run down though, so no building society would lend us any money to buy it. But after a while I found a local building society, which was planning to buy the house for their needs. After some negotiations, they agreed to lend me part of the money provided that I completely rewired the house, fixed the roof and made good the wall that was falling down at the back of the house. I couldn't believe it at first, but I had to agree to do it, though because there was no other way I would have been able to get any finance. I suppose I realized though that the property had lots of potential and was a good investment because when we sold it four years later, it doubled the value.
Выделенные жирным шрифтом слова свидетельствуют о том, что правильный ответ - 1 "proved to be profitable for them". Вариант ответа 2 неверный, так как в тексте говорится о том, что дом требовал больших ремонтных работ. Вариант ответа 3 тоже неверный, так как в тексте говорится, что строительная компания собиралась покупать этот дом, значит, она им не владела.

Фрагмент аудиотекста 4.
Interviewer: Bill, are you much of a handy man yourself? Do you like the store Do It Yourself?
Bill: You know there are times in your life when you just have to grit your teeth and get on with things if you want to succeed. That was one of those moments. I had no money left, so I had to do it all myself and l didn't have any of the necessary skills for that either. However, I could use my hands and had a basic idea how things were done. For six months I would get up early in the morning, cycle to the firm I was working for. After eight hours of work I would cycle to the house in York and I would work like crazy on all the jobs till one in the morning. Then I would cycle back home, sleep, and then it would start all over again. Six months later the kitchen and the living room were ready and we were able to move in.
Правильный ответ - 3 "the house was not suitable for living in yet", это видно из слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом. Вариант ответа 1 неверен, потому что в тексте ничего не говорится о том, что пара не могла переехать из-за отсутствия денег. Вариант ответа 2 тоже неверен, так как в тексте говорится о том, что Билл работал на фирму 8 часов в день, а затем уезжал ремонтировать дом.

Фрагмент аудиотекста 5.
At that time I was covered all over with some unsightly sort of red pimples. It was nervous stress plus overwork, plus probably bad diet or whatever, but l did manage to get this house right. So when we moved in, I felt relieved and happy although we had to continue the renovation over the next two years. Our friends, who felt sorry for us, were willing to help. They said that they had been worried about us during the heavy building phase particularly.
Правильный ответ - 2 "had to carry on improving it". Билл говорит: '...we had to continue the renovation...", что подтверждает правильность ответа 2. Вариант ответа 1 неверен, так как в тексте ничего не говорится о том, что пара не могла справиться с нервным стрессом. Говорится лишь о состоянии здоровья Билла, о его нервном перенапряжении до переезда в новый дом. Вариант ответа 3 тоже неверен, так как, хотя друзья упоминаются, ничего не говорится о том, что пара пригласила их домой.

Фрагмент аудиотекста 6.
Interviewer: Bill, you mention using your bike a lot. Are you a keen cyclist?
Bill: I refused to take public transport in London after a couple of months, although the bus fare was quite reasonable. I was late for work several times in the early days and I was still on my probation period, so I decided to avoid the buses altogether. You know, I am convinced that the bus drivers were not really interested in providing a good service for passengers. So I became a cyclist out of necessity. But to be honest, I do like the freedom it gives me and if you cycle early in the morning there is very little traffic to disturb you or to pollute the air.
Выделенные жирным шрифтом слова свидетельствуют о том, что правильный вариант ответа - 2 "the but" were unreliable".
Вариант ответа 1 неверен, так как в тексте говорится, что стоимость проезда на автобусе вполне приемлемая. Вариант ответа 3 тоже неверен, так как Билл стал ездить на работу на велосипеде не из-за того, что это экологически чистый вид передвижения, а из-за того, что он опаздывал на работу.

Фрагмент аудиотекста 7.
interviewer: You've been here for some time now, so do you feel completely integrated into the British way of life?
Bill: I think complete integration can only be a distant aim or objective, if you want it. and I'm not so sure that it's desirable anyway. You know that to integrate completely would mean that I would have to give up some of my own personality and some of my own ways of doing things. I would have to change things that I have been doing since childhood. I'm not so sure that I want to do that. And anyway I feel well settled in at work and have good contact with my immediate English neighbours and friends. I speak English well enough to communicate in all social and professional contexts, so language is no longer a barrier. in fact, i think most people find my foreign accent charming, so I wouldn't ever want to lose that.
Правильный ответ - '1 "he prefers to lead the lifestyle he is used to". Это видно из выделенных жирным шрифтом слов. Вариант ответа 2 неверен, так как по тексту акцент Билла не препятствует его общению с другими людьми, более того, многие находят его очаровательным - '...so language is no longer a barrier. In fact, I think most people find my foreign accent charming". Вариант ответа 3 тоже неверен, так как Билл говорит о хороших отношениях с соседями: '...have good contact with my immediate English neighbours'.

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