ЕГЭ Тест 1-4.

Прочитайте текст. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H и текстами 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу (вставив буквы A-H). Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


1. Tourists from all over the world will enjoy their time in London if they plan a visit to one of the capital's famous musicals or plays as an inbuilt part of their holiday in England. The London stage scene has been a big success story for over a hundred years and visitors will appreciate the programme in London theatres, which has not changed for years.
2. Robert Sims is the brilliant new author of the comedy play about student life in Scotland at the Round House Theatre in Glasgow. Robert, who is only twenty four, started to write the play immediately after leaving university. He told our reporter that he couldn't write the play while he was at university, because many of the characters in it were his fellow students or university lecturers. The play is also partly a musical with some very funny songs.
3. The new programme of plays at the Eastboume Winter Garden Theatre contains a very varied and interesting variety of productions. The summer holiday programme starts with a French comedy, continues with the play "The Three Sisters" by Chekhov and ends with the "Rocky Horror Movie Show". I wonder how the conservative Eastboume audiences will cope with this surprising mix.
4. The new winter season at the Hippodrome Theatre is a big break with tradition. There are no musicals, no comedies and no Agatha Chistie thrillers. The new management is staging three Shakespeare plays and two plays by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht, in addition to a very modern pantomime, which doesn't have either a Prince Charming or two ugly sisters. We wish the Hippodrome every success in its efforts to bring culture to the masses.
5. Our winter programme of plays and musicals starts on the first of December. We offer special rates to all students and senior citizens and there are also very good reductions for all theatregoers, who join our theatre club and buy tickets for three or more performances in advance. Theatre programmes with details of each performance and the actors are also free for all members of the theatre club, which is another big saving. Support your local theatre again this season.
6. The long running soap opera "Green Wellies", set in the rural south east of England is scheduled to end in August. The directors of Channel 4 point to decreased enthusiasm for the programme over the last year as the major cause for this decision. Many viewers have complained about the weak story lines and the poor acting of some of the main characters. Also a lot of young people are not interested anymore in hearing about agricultural topics.
7. The new boys' pop group "No Chance" is scheduled to perform at the Liberty Theatre in Clacton. This is part of their journey of England from Bognor in the south to Grimsby in the north. The boys are in big demand after the successful launch of their new CD "Mind over Matter" and it is anticipated that the Clacton venue will be a complete sell out. Buy your tickets now to be sure of a seat.



Ответы и комментарии на тест.
Текст 1.
Tourists from all over the world will enjoy their time in London if they plan a visit to one of the capital's famous musicals or plays as an inbuilt part of their holiday in England. The London stage scene has been a big success story for over a hundred years and visitors will appreciate the programme in London theatres which has not changed for years.
Правильный ответ - D, так как выделенные ключевые соотносятся со словами в заголовке Pleasure of the Holiday.

Текст 2.
Robert Sims is the brilliant new author of the comedy play about student life in Scotland at the Round House Theatre in Glasgow. Robert, who is only twenty four, started to write the play
immediately after leaving university
. He told our reporter that he couldn't write the play while he was at university, because many of the characters in it were his fellow students or university lecturers. The play is also partly a musical with some very funny songs.
Предложение "Robert... started to write... after leaving university" выражает основную мысль - молодой автор начинает писать‚- которая подтверждается ключевыми словами, выделенными жирным шрифтом в тексте. Правильный ответ - Е, так как выделенные ключевые слова соотносятся со словами в заголовке Beginning ofthe Career.

Текст 3.
The new programme of plays at the Eastbourne Winter Garden Theatre contains a very varied and interesting variety of productions. The summer holiday programme starts with a French comedy, continues with the play "The Three Sisters" by Chekhov and ends with the "Rocky Horror Movie Show". I wonder how the conservative Eastbourne audiences will cope with this surprising mix.
Ключевые слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, выражают основную мысль - театр предлагает разнообразные постановки, отвечая различным вкусам. Правильный ответ - С, так как выделенные ключевые слова соотносятся со словами в заголовке Satisfying Different Tastes.

Текст 4.
The new winter season at the Hippodrome Theatre is a big break with tradition. There are no musicals, no comedies and no Agatha Chistie thrillers. The new management is staging three
Shakespeare plays and two plays by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht, in addition to a very modern pantomime which doesn't have either a Prince Charming or two ugly sisters. We wish the Hippodrome every success in its efforts to bring culture to the masses.
Ключевые слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, выражают основную мысль - театр меняет традиционную репертуарную политику. Правильный ответ - F, так как выделенные ключевые слова соотносятся со словами в заголовке Great Changes.

Текст 5.
Our winter programme of plays and musicals starts on the first of December. We offer special rates to all students and senior citizens and there are also very good reductions for all theatre goers, who join our theatre club and buy tickets for three or more performances in advance. Theatre programmes with details of each pertormance and the actors are also free for all members of the theatre club, which is another big saving. Support your local theatre again this season.
Ключевые слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, относятся к ценовой политике театра, поэтому правильный ответ - Н, так как выделенные ключевые слова соотносятся со словами в заголовке Financial Policy.

Текст 6.
The long running soap opera "Green Wellies", set in the rural south east of England is scheduled to end in August. The directors of Channel 4 point to decreased enthusiasm for the programme over the last year as the major cause for this decision. Many viewers have complained about the weak story lines and the poor acting of some of the main characters. Also a lot of young people are not interested anymore in hearing about agricultural topics.
Ключевые слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, отражают основную мысль - потеря интереса к программе‚ - поэтому правильный ответ - G, так как выделенные ключевые слова соотносятся со словами в заголовке Loss of Interest.

Текст 7.
The new boys' pop group "No Chance" is scheduled to perform at the Liberty Theatre in Clacton. This is part of their journey of England from Bognor in the south to Grimsby in the north. The boys are in big demand after the successful launch of their new CD "Mind over Matter" and it is anticipated that the Clacton venue will be a complete sell out. Buy your tickets now to be sure of a seat.
Ключевые слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, отражают основную мысль - планы группы путешествовать по Англии с концертами‚- поэтому правильный ответ - А, так как выделенные ключевые слова соотносятся со словами в заголовке Country Tour.

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