Диалоги на английском языке с переводом (уровень Intermediate). № 61. Тема: Как использовать оставшиеся деньги на карточке питания.

a) Как использовать оставшиеся деньги на карточке питания.

Включите запись. Слушайте английские предложения и произносите вслух вслед за диктором. При необходимости ставьте на паузу. Повторите 2-3 раза для правильной постановки произношения.
Прочитаете английские предложения вслух.
Hi, Amanda. What's up?
Hi, Quentin. I've got a small problem.
Remember how we all had to choose a meal plan when we registered in the dormitory in September?
Yeah, I bought plan B because they said it was enough money to buy about 10 meals per week.
I chose B, too, but now I have a lot of money left over in my food account and the semester is almost over.
I see. Why don't you just ask for your money back?
I mean, surely the company that runs food services will be reasonable .
I've already tried that. Their policy is not to give refunds .
When I chose Plan B, I was obligated to use all the money in my account or lose it.
I don't know what to do with all the left over money.
Привет, Аманда. В чем дело?
Привет, Квентин. У меня небольшая проблема.
Помнишь, как мы все должны были выбрать план питания, когда мы регистрировались в общежитии в сентябре?
Да, я купил план Б, потому что они сказали, что этого достаточно, чтобы купить около 10 блюд в неделю.
Я тоже выбрала "Б", но теперь у меня осталось много денег на моем продовольственном счете, а семестр почти закончился.
Понятно. Почему бы тебе просто не попросить свои деньги обратно?
Я имею в виду, конечно, компанию, которая управляет пищевыми услугами, будет разумно.
Я уже пыталась это сделать. Их политика заключается в том, чтобы не возвращать деньги.
Когда я выбирала план Б, я была обязана использовать все деньги на моем счете или потерять их.
Я не знаю, что делать со всеми оставшимися деньгами.
Упражнение 1.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".

b) Как использовать оставшиеся деньги на карточке питания.

Включите запись. Слушайте английские предложения и произносите вслух вслед за диктором. При необходимости ставьте на паузу. Повторите 2-3 раза для правильной постановки произношения.
Прочитаете английские предложения вслух.
Well, you could treat your friends to a big party and really pig out.
I'm sure they'd all appreciate that.
At the student cafeteria? Right... "gourmet" dining.
That's true. It doesn't have a very festive atmosphere either.
OK, here's another idea: you and I already go to the cafeteria for lunch every day, right?
From now on, you'll pay for both of us with your meal card, and I'll pay you for my food in cash .
Let me do some calculation and see if that will use up all the money in my account fast enough.
Ну, ты могла бы угостить своих друзей на большой вечеринке и реально объесться (насвинячиться).
Я уверен, что они все оценили бы это.
В студенческой столовой? Верно... "изысканная" кухня.
Это правда. Там не очень праздничная атмосфера к тому же.
Именно так.
Ладно, вот еще одна идея: мы с тобой уже ходим в кафетерий обедать каждый день, верно?
Отныне ты будешь платить за нас обоих своей карточкой питания, а я буду платить тебе за мою еду наличными.
Позволь мне сделать расчет и посмотреть, будут ли использоваться все деньги на моем счете достаточно быстро.
Упражнение 2.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".
Read the reviews (A-C) of Disney's movie The Kid. Choose ( ) A, B or C to answer questions 1 to 6.

Which review says …
(1) the film is aimed at adults? A / B / C /
(2) it took too long to get going? A / B / C /
(3) it is very predictable? A / B / C /
(4) the film has an important message? A / B / C /
(5) it was more enjoyable at the beginning? A / B / C /
(6) Breslin was better than Willis? A / B / C /

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Disney's The Kid reminds us that being successful doesn't always mean you are having fun or that you are getting what you want. Bruce Willis' character, Russ Duritz, seems to have forgotten just about everything to do with his childhood and having fun. There is a lesson here for many of us.
Duritz is visited by his younger self, Rusty, played by Spencer Breslin. Russ and Rusty both come to realise that they need to work out some issues and make some fundamental changes to their lives before either of them can be happy.

The role of 'The Kid' is the perfect screen debut for Spencer Breslin. You could tell that he was having fun and that he loved what he was doing. Spencer looked so comfortable and brought so much energy to the screen that he completely stole the show from Bruce Willis. He looks like a kid with a big future.

Bruce Willis stars in Disney's latest warm and sentimental movie The Kid. He plays Russ Duritz, a successful but unfriendly image consultant who won't let anyone get close to him. On the eve of his 40th birthday, he suddenly meets his eight-year-old self, Rusty‚ (Spencer Breslin), a chubby kid who, in turn, is shocked to discover that at 40 he's 'not married, doesn't fly jet planes and doesn't even have a dog!'

The name of this film might be somewhat misleading. Children will find parts of the film amusing, but most of it will go over their heads. Willis plays a character who is inherently repugnant, but he plays it in such a way that we start to have some sympathy for him.
The Kid has too many complex plot twists at the end but you still come out of the cinema with a smile on your face and that's the main thing.

In Disney's new comedy The Kid, Bruce Willis plays a wealthy and obnoxious image consultant named Russ Duritz, who magically meets himself as an eight-year-old child. The concept is simple: Russ is a bad man who has lost all youthful innocence and passion. He treats his employees with contempt and is perfectly friendless, until one day, his inner child, Rusty, comes into his life and teaches him to value pet dogs over material possessions and marriage over career.

Russ has suppressed his childhood memories so much that Rusty has to remind him - a lot - to get him to finally remember even the slightest event. But when he does remember, the movie finally takes off. Unfortunately, this was not until the last twenty minutes.
The Kid, although funny and somewhat clever in certain moments (especially with Lily Tomlin in the supporting role of Russ' secretary) has no interesting twists or fancy plot developments. This is formulaic feel-good fare all the way, but it has a certain charm that makes it worth seeing.


Переведите письменно предложения на английский язык.

1) У меня небольшая проблема.

I've got a small problem.

2) Почему бы тебе просто не попросить свои деньги обратно?

Why don't you just ask for your money back?

3) Я уже пыталась сделать это.

I've already tried that.

4) Я не знаю, что делать со всеми оставшимися деньгами.

I don't know what to do with all the left over money.

5) Я уверен, что они все оценили бы это.

I'm sure they'd all appreciate that.

6) Это правда.

That's true.

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