Монологи на английском языке с текстом и переводом. №1-85. Тема: Полезные для здоровья тренировки.


1) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст.
2) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и смотрите на английский текст.
3) Прочитайте английский текст вслух.
4) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст. Если вам все понятно, выполните упражнение и тест. Если нет, повторите пункт 2 и снова выполните пункт 4.

Experts used to say that people had to exercise vigorously for any health benefit, but now many of them are changing their tune.
Doctors have found that physical changes occur in the body even with very light exercise.
These physical changes are actually healthy changes for the body!
For example, one study looked at women who walked.
In this study, researchers looked at women who walked a certain distance quickly versus women who walked the same distance slowly.
The fast walkers were obviously exercising.
The slow walkers were usually just walking with friends and talking.
Эксперты раньше говорили, что люди должны энергично заниматься спортом для пользы здоровья, но теперь многие из них меняют свое мнение.
Врачи обнаружили, что физические изменения происходят в организме даже при очень легких физических нагрузках.
Эти физические изменения на самом деле являются здоровыми изменениями для организма!
Например, в одном исследовании рассматривались женщины, которые ходили пешком.
В этом исследовании исследователи смотрели на женщин, которые быстро проходили определенное расстояние, по сравнению с женщинами, которые проходили то же расстояние медленно.
Быстроходцы, очевидно, упражнялись.
Медлительные ходоки обычно просто прогуливались с друзьями и разговаривали.
Упражнение 1.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова, фразы и предложения. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать".


1) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст.
2) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и смотрите на английский текст.
3) Прочитайте английский текст вслух.
4) Включите запись. Слушайте диктора и НЕ смотрите на английский текст. Если вам все понятно, выполните упражнение и тест. Если нет, повторите пункт 2 и снова выполните пункт 4.
They were basically walking for enjoyment.
Surprisingly, the doctors found that the slow walkers actually lost more weight than the fast walkers!
The difference seemed to be that slow walkers spent more time walking because they found it stimulating, and that helped them lose more weight.
Doctors and health trainers now say you should focus on taking your time while exercising.
This means you can exercise longer.
The faster you exercise, especially when you're not in good shape to start with, the sooner you'll want to quit.
This will also make you want to wait longer before you exercise the next time.
В основном они гуляли ради удовольствия.
Удивительно, но врачи обнаружили, что те, кто медленно ходил, на самом деле теряли больше веса, чем те, кто быстро ходил!
Разница, по-видимому, заключалась в том, что медлительные ходоки тратили больше времени на ходьбу, потому что находили ее стимулирующей, и это помогало им сбросить больше веса.
Врачи и инструкторы по здоровому образу жизни теперь говорят, что вы должны сосредоточиться на том, чтобы не торопиться во время тренировок.
Это означает, что вы можете тренироваться дольше.
Чем быстрее вы будете тренироваться, особенно если вы не в хорошей форме с самого начала, тем скорее вам захочется бросить.
Это также заставит вас подождать дольше, прежде чем тренироваться в следующий раз.
Упражнение 2.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".

Read the article and tick ( ) A, B, or C.

We interviewed three people about how family and friends have affected their personalities.

Maria Stanovich
I've always had a strong relationship with my family. An important influence on my personality was my grandmother, Hannah. She was born in 1930 into a poor family with seven children - they had to take very good care of each other in order to survive. Growing up in such difficult conditions had a positive effect on her, teaching her to share everything, be honest, helpful, hard-working, and affectionate. My grandmother taught me all these things, making me realize that family is more important than material possessions.

Katie Dupont
The people around you have the greatest influence on your life - they affect the way you behave and think. As soon as Rob and I met, we connected. When Rob was young, his father died in a motorcycle accident. Being brought up as an only child by a single parent made him independent and ambitious. He left home at 16, and since then has lived in different places and had various jobs. He's taught me that it's important to find time for friends and family and to do what makes you happy. He always has fun, trying new things, keeping his mind and body healthy, and he still works hard to achieve his goals. I greatly admire Rob and I hope that one day I can look at life in the way that he does.

Jed Mitchell
I spent many hours as a child listening to my uncle Wilson's stories. He was the youngest of 11 children whose family lived in a fishing town in Scotland. Life was hard and with so many mouths to feed, the children began working from an early age. At just 14, my uncle began his first job as a fisherman. That was the beginning of his adventures - he travelled and worked in Alaska, South-East Asia, India, and Africa. He educated himself, learnt to be a chef, an engineer, a farmer, and photographer. Uncle Wilson taught me that life is special and that you should take every opportunity that you can to fill it with adventure.

Example: Katie believes that your family and friends don't influence you.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /

1 Maria has a close relationship with her family.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
2 Maria's grandmother had seven children.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
3 Maria's grandmother is still alive.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
4 Growing up in a big family made Maria's grandmother less selfish.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
5 Katie met Rob at work.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
6 Katie knew she and Rob would be good friends because they immediately got on well.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
7 Katie thinks Rob lives his life in a positive way.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
8 Jed's uncle's first job was as a chef.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
9 Jed thinks people shouldn't waste any chances in life.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
10 Jed would like to travel like his uncle did.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /

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