Монологи на английском языке с текстом и переводом. №1-98. Тема: Лечение иглоукалыванием.


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OK, today's topic is acupuncture.
Do you all know what that is?
Yeah, it's when they stick needles in your body.
Correct. Doctors vibrate the needles, and this relieves pain and promotes healing.
China has used acupuncture for over 2,000 years, but it wasn't well known in America until 1971, when a reporter for the New York Times wrote about how it helped him recover from surgery.
Today, acupuncture has become a popular trend.
People are trying it to cure everything from toothaches to cancer.
My uncle used it last year for his arthritis.
He swears it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Well...maybe it is, but in truth, we don't know exactly how acupuncture works or why it's effective.
We also don't know much about the risks involved in acupuncture treatment.
Хорошо, сегодняшняя тема - иглоукалывание.
Вы все знаете, что это такое?
С: Да, это когда втыкают иглы в твое тело.
М: Правильно. Врачи вибрируют иглами, и это снимает боль и способствует заживлению.
Китай использует иглоукалывание более 2000 лет, но в Америке оно было мало известно до 1971 года, когда репортер "Нью-Йорк таймс" написал о том, как оно помогло ему восстановиться после операции.
Сегодня иглоукалывание стало популярным направлением.
Люди пробуют его, чтобы вылечить все, от зубной боли до рака.
Мой дядя использовал его в прошлом году от артрита.
Он клянется, что это величайшая вещь со времен нарезанного хлеба.
Ну... может быть, так оно и есть, но, по правде говоря, мы точно не знаем, как работает иглоукалывание и почему оно эффективно.
Мы также мало что знаем о рисках, связанных с лечением иглоукалыванием.
Упражнение 1.
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Some studies have shown that acupuncture is safe - If it's performed by well-trained people.
Hmm. What if it's not?
In a Norwegian survey of 197 acupuncturists, there were 132 cases of fainting, eight cases of punctured lungs, and 26 cases where pain actually increased after treatment.
If acupuncture is performed improperly, it can cause many different problems, including nerve damage, infections, and hepatitis B.
Acupuncturists are usually not medical doctors.
Can we trust their diagnoses?
The National Council Against Health Fraud doesn't think so.
It warns us that acupuncture is a quote-unquote "unproven" treatment based on quote-unquote "primitive" ideas.
If you want to try it, the Council suggests you should talk with your family doctor first.
Некоторые исследования показали, что иглоукалывание безопасно - если его выполняют хорошо обученные люди.
Хмм. Что, если это не так?
В норвежском опросе 197 иглотерапевтов было зафиксировано 132 случая обморока, восемь случаев прокола легких и 26 случаев, когда боль на самом деле усилилась после лечения.
Если иглоукалывание выполняется неправильно, это может вызвать множество различных проблем, включая повреждение нервов, инфекции и гепатит В.
Иглотерапевты обычно не являются врачами.
Можем ли мы доверять их диагнозам?
Национальный совет по борьбе с мошенничеством в сфере здравоохранения так не считает.
Он предупреждает нас, что иглоукалывание - это, без кавычек, "недоказанное" лечение, основанное, без кавычек, на "примитивных" идеях.
Если вы хотите попробовать его, Совет рекомендует вам сначала поговорить со своим семейным врачом.
Упражнение 2.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".
Read the article and tick ( ) A, B, or C.

Have you ever thought about changing your appearance? Most of us have complained about having a bad hair day or looking hideous in a photo. But experts say that becoming too obsessed about our appearance can be bad for our health. Psychologist Sue Johnston explains:

'Of course it's natural for people to want to change the way they look - have a new haircut, buy something nice to wear to a party or make a good first impression at an interview, and many women don't like to be seen without their make-up.

But the real problems start when people feel that there's something they can't change that makes them feel unattractive. It may be sticking-out ears, an unusually-shaped nose, or perhaps they are overweight. In serious cases this small thing can often take over their lives completely, making them feel anxious about going out in public and making them depressed. In 2006 we did a Body Image Survey to learn more about how people gain confidence in themselves. Below are a few suggestions on how to feel good about yourself.

1 Think about your skills and talents. For example, focus on success at work, participating in sports, and friendships. Once you realize that you can achieve your goals and have a happy, full life, appearance will seem less important. If you do have negative feelings about your appearance, try to do something positive like buying some new clothes or taking up a new hobby.

2 Learn to accept that you are unique. There's no one else in the world like you and that makes you very special. Love the unusual things about yourself. If you hate your red hair because it's so different, then teach yourself to think about it as beautiful and exotic!

3 Forget about what you can't control. There's one simple rule: be realistic, work on improving what you can change, and don't spend time worrying about anything else.

4 Stop buying fashion magazines and comparing yourself to the models. This has a very negative effect. Remember - they don't look that good without a personal hairstylist, make-up artist and computer generated photography!

5 Finally, if you still feel depressed about the way you look, consider getting professional advice.'

Example: Sue Johnston is a psychiatrist.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /

1 Almost everyone is sometimes unhappy about the way they look.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
2 Sue Johnston used to dislike the way she looked.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
3 Wanting to change the way you look is normal.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
4 People can become depressed about going out in public.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
5 The survey was to find out how people want to change the way they look.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
6 Concentrating on the things you're good at can help you feel positive.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
7 If you concentrate on your aims in life, the way you look will seem less important.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
8 It's important to appreciate how you may look different to other people.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
9 Some people spend a lot of money changing the way they look.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
10 Models aren't really as good-looking in real life as they appear in magazines.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /

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