Тест 17. Тесты по английскому языку начального (Beginner) уровня с ответами.


1 Wright the correct past simple form.
Впишите правильную форму простого прошедшего времени.
Example: They wasn't / weren't

1 Was he / Were he late?
2 Where were you / you were
last weekend?
3 Danny don't like / didn't like
the film.
4 Had you / Did you have
dinner in a nice restaurant?
5 We came / come
back home late yesterday evening.
6 Jenny didn't studied / didn't study
Business at university.
7 What time did you went / did you go to the supermarket?



2 Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Заполните письмо правильной формой глаголов в скобках.
Hi Stephanie
Paula and I (have) a great time in Torquay last weekend.
1 Did I tell (tell) you about it?
Well, we 2 went (go) to Torquay by bus on Saturday morning.
We 3 didn't go (not go) by train because it 4 was (be) very expensive.
We 5 stayed (stay) with Paula's friends in their house near the beach.
We 6 didn't have (not have) dinner with Paula's friends because we 7 wanted (want) to eat on the beach. It was great.
What 8 did you do (do) last weekend?
Andy x


3 Complete the description with
in, at or on.
Mike lives in a big house 1 in Oxford.
He usually works 2 at home.
Yesterday morning, he phoned his friends.
Nick was 3 on a bus, Fiona was 4 in her car,
Helen was 5 in a meeting, and Alison was 6 in bed.


4 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of the verb in brackets.
Заполните пропуски в предложениях правильной формой простого прошедшего времени глагола в скобках.
Example: Sheila back early from her holiday yesterday. (come)
1 Tom bought a coffee and a cake in the cafe. (buy)
2 Jane drove to Edinburgh in her new car. (drive)
3 Harry and Jill used the Internet to buy theatre tickets. (use)
4 Joe saw the new James Bond film last night. (see)
5 Simon heard a terrible noise. (hear)
6 Jenny did her homework yesterday evening. (do)
7 I worked in a restaurant from 2001 to 2007. (work)
8 Rory took a lot of photos on holiday. (take)


5 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.
bed to bed the bed
Example: At midnight, Sue went .

work gym cafe
1 At half past three, Peter was at work .

afternoon yesterday Sunday
2 We went out last Sunday

to Athens at Athens on Athens
3 She went on a trip to Athens .

credit card money lunch
4 Carl paid for the meal by credit card .

night day morning
5 We watched TV yesterday morning .

the bus the car the airport
6 I saw Jack and Lucy on the bus .

Match the words with the same sound.
played shopping weren't wanted walked

1 first weren't
2 cried played
3 kissed walked
4 waited wanted
5 wasn't shopping

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