Тест 37. Тесты по английскому языку начального (Beginner) уровня с ответами.


1 Complete the sentences with one word.
Example: Are Simon?
Yes, I am.

1 Where is Sally from?
She's from Ireland.

2 Are they French?
No, they aren't . They're Italian.

3 This my brother. His name is Paul.

4 Jerry doesn't live here in London - he lives in Edinburgh.

5 Does she speak Spanish?
She's from Madrid, so yes - sure!

6 I'm sorry, but you can't park here.

7 Were they late?
No, they weren't

8 Where did you go yesterday?

9 Last week Sandra was ill, so she didn't go to school.

10 There aren't any people here at the moment.

11 Was there a TV in your bedroom when you were a child?

12 Do you know Claire?
Yes. I met her yesterday. She's nice.

13 Do you like my new shoes? I bought them last Saturday.

14 Are you going to travel alone?



2 Wright the correct form.
Example: There were / 's / was
20,000 people at the football match.

1 I don't / 'm not / amn't hot.
2 Where is Sophies / Sophie's / Sophie
3 She's tall girl / a tall girl / a girl tall
4 Like you / You do like / Do you like
fast food?
No, I don't.
5 I start work usually / start usually work / usually start work
at eight o'clock.
6 Can you / You can / Do you can
7 Graham told we / we told / told us
that he had a new job.
8 I like to playing / playing / play
the piano.


3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the present simple or past simple.
Today, Caroline James (live) in a big house in the countryside.
She 1 has (have) a husband, two children, and a cat, and she 2 works (work) at home.
She 3 doesn't like (not like) her job, but the money is good.
20 years ago, when she 4 was (be) a student, she 5 wasn't (not be) rich and she 6 didn't have (not have) a job.
She 7 studied (study) French at university, and she 8 lived (live) with three other students in a flat in a big city.


4 Write the missing word.
Example: Hi - Hello, Bye -
1 seven - seventh, twelve - twelfth
2 Mexico - Mexican, Italy - Italian
3 brother - sister, husband - wife
4 fast - slow, expensive - cheap
5 easy - difficult, safe - dangerous
6 woman - women, child - children
7 teacher - school, nurse - hospital
8 Monday - Tuesday, Wednesday - Thursday
9 listen to CDs - watch DVDs
10 inside - outside, upstairs - downstairs
11 spring - autumn, summer - winter
12 a bus - a bus station, a plane - an airport
13 January - February, August - September
14 make - made, come - came
15 know - knew, take - took
16 tonight - today, last night - yesterday

5 Tick ( ) the words that don't go with the verb.
Example: go
A to the cinema / B shopping / C the radio /

1 do A housework / B shower / C sport /
2 take A a photo / B an umbrella / C an email /
3 make A chess / B dinner / C mistakes /
4 have A lunch / B children / C basketball /
5 rent A a house / B a friend / C a flat /
6 play A football / B the piano / C a photo /
7 wear A shoes / B mobiles / C jeans /
8 stay A at home / B at a hotel / C a film /
9 listen to A a book / B the radio / C music /
10 drive A a bus / B a plane / C a car /

6 Complete the sentences with one word.
Example: Sit , please.

1 Go to page 12, please.
2 John is in bed.
3 March is the third month of the year, and April is the fourth.
4 Is Mary at work?
5 I often buy / get / read a newspaper on Sunday mornings.
6 I went to the gym with Dave yesterday.
7 Jack always has toast and orange juice for breakfast.
8 What time do you go to bed?
9 Can you come to dinner on / next Sunday?
10 She lives on the second floor.
11 I usually get / wake up at about 6.30.
12 Did you watch the match last / yesterday night?


Match the words with the same sounds.
be heard thought weather know leave word slow bread daughter
Example: left

four thought daughter
go know slow
third heard word
three be leave

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