Тест 39. Тесты по английскому языку начального (Beginner) уровня с ответами.


Listen to five conversations. Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1 The man's name is…
A Brian Goud / B Bryan Gould / C Bryn Gold /

2 Sam is going to get to Cardiff by…
A car / B train / C bus /

3 At the party, Jo met…
A David's mum / B David's dad / C David's girlfriend /

4 At the weekend, Rachel likes…
A going out / B cooking / C doing exercise /

5 In the end, the man books …
A a double room with a TV and a sea view /
B a single room with TV, a shower, and a view of the castle /
C a double room with a shower and a nice view /

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