Видео занятия на английском языке онлайн бесплатно. №102. Тема: Как говорить об одежде по-английски - Урок разговорного английского.

На этом уроке вы можете научиться говорить об одежде и моде на английском языке. Полезно говорить об одежде на английском языке, чтобы улучшить свои навыки светской беседы и общения в целом. Расскажите нам, какой у вас стиль в комментариях! А если мы приедем в вашу страну, где лучше всего купить одежду?
Можете ли вы подробно описать одежду, которую вам нравится носить? Знаете ли вы, как сделать кому-то комплимент по поводу его стиля? На этом уроке вы узнаете, как делать все это и многое другое.

1. Как описать одежду 0:27
2. Разговор о стиле 3:33
3. Как сделать комплимент чьей-то одежде 6:15
4. Фразовые глаголы в одежде 7:50

Этот урок поможет вам:
- Выучить слова и фразы, чтобы рассказать о моделях одежды и материалах.
- Увидеть полезную лексику для описания покроя и стиля одежды на английском языке.
- Выучить новые фразы, чтобы хвалить других за их одежду на английском языке.
- Пополнить свой словарный запас полезными фразовыми глаголами, чтобы говорить об одежде на английском языке.

Комментарии посетителей:
Here are my examples:
1. I do not like wearing flashy clothes, especially fruit-print cotton tops.
2. I really like trying on plain denim skirts because they make me look younger and slimmer.
3. I really love wearing floral-print dresses at Zara.
Actually, I prefer casual clothes. A pair of jeans and a white t-shirt would be a good choice for me when hanging out with a group of friends or going for a walk. However, I often dress up on special and important occasions such as wedding anniversaries, formal parties, and so on.
There are many places in Ho Chi Minh City where you can shop for clothes. Ho Chi Minh City is a shopping paradise. There are some famous shopping streets where you can find some of your favorite items of clothing at an affordable price. Besides, tourists can go to high-end department stores to seek for fashionable items or designer clothes if they are interested in.
I like basic and minimal clothes because they suit all situations. They are also easy to match other clothes. These are neutral colors such as beige, white, black, so on.
Honestly, I rarely go shopping, I prefer choosing to buy second-hand clothes, so I don't have any places to suggest to you. When I truly need some new clothes, I will order ones from some second-hand shops on Instagram or Facebook. It's just a small thing but can help protect our environment.
I really like fashion. In our country, we have an idom: "A girl will be more beautiful because of her style". For me, not only beautiful, she will be more confident, more attractive, as well. I like simple and polite style. When I go to work, I often wear shirt and skirt, mixing and matching them is my favorite. In the parties, I always get dressed. Sometimes, I am busy, lazy or I am late, I will put on a black cotton dress or a denim jumpsuit.
I am impressed with Victoria Beckham’style. She is elegant and chic, not colorful or spruce. The big bows or flowers are not my style.
In my country, you can buy clothes in the shop or shopping mall. If we have the same style, I can take you to my favorite shops :).
Please, correct for me. Thank’s in advance.
Actually I have a casual style, often in winter or autumn I like to get dressed in a plain wool polo neck shirt with denim jeans and my black boots also I put on my black coat.
Usually in summer or spring I get dressed nice baggy floral print cotton or silk (that depends on the weather) dress with my white sandals or I get dressed close fitting plain dress with high heals (that depends on weather to).
I like my style is comfortable but it isn't suitable in formal events I need yo dress up and put on something more elegant and fancy sometimes to have a nice outfit.
I love wearing denim jeans and cotton t-shirt in summer . i dont really like wearing dress , it’s not convenient for me , but sometime i will wear dress and put some make up in some parties or events.
I think online shopping is wonderfull. It’s convenient because i can lie on my bed and shop with my phone. Sometime i go shopping with my younger sis at the weekend, it’s funny.
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