уровня IELTS по английскому языку. № 14.
Прочтите текст и решите, какой ответ
(a, b, c или d) правильно заполнит пробел.
the text and decide which answer (a, b, c
or d) fills the blank.
Although doctors have been warning about the
dangers of cigarettes (1)
over fifty years, the number of people who
smoke is still disturbingly high. These people
are not (2) b
they do worry
their health; they know the risks they are
with their lives. They also realise how much
money they are
c (5)
on cigarettes, yet they still find it almost
impossible to give them (6)
b .
a) from b) for c) since d) during
(2) a) ridiculous b) silly c) senseless
d) childish
(3) a) about b) over c) with d) around
(4) a) doing b) making c) having d) taking
(5) a) earning b) making c) wasting d) saving
(6) a) in b) up c) out d) to
предложениях 1-5 есть три выделенных жирным шрифтом
слова. Выберите (
) слово, которое грамматически неверно.
She didn't explain me the problem to
(2) I didn'tthink he has been
to the hospital yet.
(3) Paris is the more romantic
city I think
I have
ever visited.
(4) She alwaysbuys for him
a shirt forhis birthday.
(5) Classes begin earlier
tomorrow so everybody should
to be ontime.
Прочтите текст и решите, какой
ответ (a, b, c или d) правильно заполнит пробел.
the text and decide which answer (a,
b, c or d) fills the blank.
is much more socially unacceptable
now. A lot of people (1)
to others smoking in public places
- I personally can't (2)
sitting next to a smoker in a restaurant,
and I just don't go into (3)
bars anymore because I know what the
air will be like. But we have to remember
that most smokers do want to stop.
Instead of criticising them, perhaps
we should give them a (4)
d .
a) oppose b) protest c) object d)
(2) a) let b) stand c) allow d) like
(3) a) crowded b) blocked c) filled
d) solid
(4) a) help b) support c) hold d)
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