Монологи на английском языке с текстом и переводом. №1-92. Тема: Генетически модифицированные продукты.


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OK. So we've read about some of the merits of GM, that is, genetically modified, foods.
Today, we're going to look at the opposite side of the issue.
Environmental groups believe GM crops cause problems in farming and that they are unnecessary.
So, one problem environmental groups mention is that farming is already too technological.
They believe GM crops make farming too scientific for farmers' regular abilities.
They argue that there are better and safer ways to make crops resistant to natural enemies and to reduce chemicals in the land, such as bio-natural farming.
Umm, we'll discuss bio-natural farming in more detail next class.
ОК. Итак, мы прочитали о некоторых достоинствах ГМО, то есть генетически модифицированных продуктов.
Сегодня мы рассмотрим противоположную сторону вопроса.
Экологические группы считают, что ГМ-культуры создают проблемы в сельском хозяйстве и что в них нет необходимости.
Итак, одна из проблем, о которой упоминают экологические группы, заключается в том, что сельское хозяйство уже слишком технологично.
Они считают, что ГМ-культуры делают сельское хозяйство слишком научным для обычных способностей фермеров.
Они утверждают, что существуют лучшие и безопасные способы сделать культуры устойчивыми к естественным врагам и уменьшить количество химических веществ в земле, такие как био-натуральное земледелие.
Ммм, мы обсудим био-натуральное земледелие более подробно на следующем занятии.
Упражнение 1.
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The point the environmentalists are making, though, is that it's not more technology that we need, but more natural ways of farming.
Furthermore, environmental groups don't think the higher quantities and better quality achieved by genetically modifying foods are necessary.
Natural crops look fine and taste better.
Also, in their opinion, more products from farms will only provide more food to already rich countries.
They don't believe GM foods will feed the Third World - they think GM foods will increase the number of goods in richer countries - you know the old saying, "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer."
Однако защитники окружающей среды подчеркивают, что нам нужно не больше технологий, а более естественные способы ведения сельского хозяйства.
Более того, экологические группы не считают, что большее количество и лучшее качество, достигаемые с помощью генетически модифицированных продуктов, необходимы.
Натуральные культуры прекрасно выглядят и вкуснее.
Кроме того, по их мнению, больше продуктов с ферм только обеспечит больше продовольствия и без того богатым странам.
Они не верят, что ГМО-продукты накормят Третий мир - они думают, что ГМО-продукты увеличат количество товаров в более богатых странах - вы знаете старую поговорку: "Богатые становятся богаче, бедные становятся беднее".
Упражнение 2.
Нажмите кнопку "Скрыть часть слов". Кликните на появившихся полях ввода и впишите нужные слова. Проверьте и исправьте ошибки, нажав "Показать слова".
Read the article and tick ( ) A, B, or C.

The best public transport system in the world.
Curitiba in Brazil is no ordinary city; it has the best public transport system in the world. The mayor, Jaime Lerner, along with the council, began developing the world-famous system in 1971.
Mr Lerner had grown up in Curitiba and knew that the street was an important part of city life for the residents. He made many of the streets into pedestrian areas, with no access for cars. The council put in flowers, lights, and kiosks where people could sell food and other products. To encourage shoppers to use the new areas, the mayor gave away free paper so that local children could paint pictures in the street. Cyclists also benefit from 150km of cycle lanes, which follow old river valleys and railway tracks around the city.
Mr Lerner realized that to increase the development and growth of the city in the future, the public transport system also had to improve. Buses were chosen as the main transport because it was the cheapest. Curitiba's transport system now consists of over 300 routes that use around 1,900 buses to carry approximately 1.9 million passengers every day. Approximately 60km of the roads are for buses only, so traffic jams are unusual. Bus travel is faster and more convenient than using private cars. The city now uses 30% less fuel than other large cities in Brazil and people spend only about 10% of their yearly salaries on transport costs.
Some of the buses are able to carry 170-270 passengers. School buses are yellow, and buses for disabled people are blue. They are designed with three doors - two exits and one entrance - so that people can get on and off quickly. Bus stations provide free maps and facilities to help parents with young children and people carrying heavy bags to board the buses easily. Passengers buy a ticket at the office in advance and then wait for their bus, like in an underground station.
Because of the success of Curitiba's public transport system, Jaime Lerner now offers advice to city councils around the world on how they can solve their cities' transport problems.

Example: Curitiba has one of the best public transport systems in the world.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /

1 Curitiba is different from other cities in the world.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
2 Jaime Lerner spent a lot of time playing on the streets when he was a child.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
3 The council allows people to sell things in the pedestrian streets.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
4 All the kiosks sell local food.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
5 The council chose to increase the bus service because it was the least expensive type of transport.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
6 The population of the city is about 1.9 million.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
7 Other large Brazilian cities are planning to cut the amount of fuel they use.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
8 The buses are different colours according to what they are used for.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
9 Passengers buy their tickets as they get on the buses.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
10 Mr Lerner enjoys being an expert in developing public transport systems.
A True / B False / C Doesn't say /
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