уровня TOEFL по английскому языку. № 11. 10 -117
Завершите приведенные ниже предложения
словами will, won't, would, used to или didn't used to.
the sentences below with will, won't, would,
used to, or didn't use to.
It's a problem. Although Jack is very intelligent,
he just won't
read a book.
John hated his job. He would
always leave the office before anyone else.
I didn't
use to
enjoy classical music, but I do now.
It used
be much colder in the winter than it is
He loves birds. He 'll
/ will
sit for hours watching them.
If there are going to be lots of pretty
girls, then Henry will
be there!
Выберите правильное слово, выделенное
курсивом в приведенных ниже предложениях.
the correct word in italics in the sentences
Paul forever is / is forever/ keeps forever/ at arriving late for work.
(2) I hated Tony. He
was always making / was making always / was always make/ me feel stupid.
(3) It's so cold in here and Sarah keeps
on insisting / will insist on
/ insists by/ turning off the heating.
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